Email Campaigns bring Holiday Joy! GANZ Media can help!!
Marketing Tips: Importance of a Clever Subject line & High Open Rates
Great subject lines = higher email open rates!
Are you considering creating an email campaign? Are you prepared for it to fail? How much does the success of your business depend on your online promotions? Open rates in the past five years have decreased industry wide due to image blocking, increased use of smart phones and list fatigue. At GANZ Media email campaigns for our clients consistently exceed industry averages, resulting in thousand of dollars in additional revenue.
Would you hire a plumber to do your root canal? Your best bet it to have a professional marketer help you with your online marketing.
Times are tough, and money is tight. Some companies think they are being frugal by having an untrained staffer run their email campaigns instead of using Marketing professionals. See this related article: 11 Reasons a 23-Year-Old Shouldn’t Run Your Social Media.
Without training and experience, finding the right subject line is next to impossible. Even with the best content, If your subject line doesn’t resonate well with your target audience, all your hard work is going into the spam box. Cutting corners for your online marketing can prove disastrous.
When creating a subject line for an email campaign here are a few items to consider:
1) Demographics: Who is your target market? Generalize subject lines appealing to everyone will result in large numbers of unsubscribes and low open rates.
2) Cleverness: Is your subject line too serious? Does it immediately compel one to read your email? Humor can be very useful to capture attention in the current short attention span era.
3) Pose a question: Asking a question that helps solve problems your prospects/customers may be experiencing.
4) Limit the use of discounts: Everyone wants a deal, but used too frequently, this can alienate your subscribers. Be a thought leader and have the majority of your emails focus on content/articles they might like to read.
GANZ Media would like to thank all our email list subscribers for reading our holiday email. You can view our email by clicking on this link:
Our most recent email campaign had an open rate of 16.3%, 3% higher than the industry average!
Click here to contact GANZ Media today to see how we can help you with email campaigns and all your online needs!