Web Design Mania sweeps the Nation! People take notice of GANZ Media.

Great planning & Email Campaigns = Success!!

A well conceived email campaign can make the difference between successful Online Marketing ROI, and a  sinking ship. In our recent email campaign touting Web Design services, a well crafted subject line once again brings in significant viewers.

You can have the best email content in the world, with snazzy graphics, clever messaging, and the most amazing discounts, but you campaign can fail because your  subject line came across as spammy or insincere. Click here to see the email.

GANZ Media Website Design Email Campaign!

GANZ Media Website Design Email Campaign!

One method for increasing readership of your emails is called an A/B split test. In this case we test only 10  percent of our total list of email subscribers before the main campaign is launched. This small sample size  was split in half using two subject lines with “Website Design Projects & March Madness!”  (which had an  12.5% open rate) against  “March Madness! Website Design & Online Marketing” (which had an 8 % open  rate).

Web Design Email Campaign Results

Web Design Email Campaign Results

We setup our email software to wait for one day to track results between these two groups, allowing for  maximum feedback from our viewers. The winner of these two (the one with the higher open rate), was  used to send out to the remaining 90% of our email list.

Website Design Email Screenshot

Website Design Email Screenshot

5 Helpful Email tips:

Every email campaign should contain the following –

1) A well crafted subject line (tested for effectiveness).

2) A call to action: direct your viewers to perform an action (i.e. View your website, open a video, call you  for a free demonstration, email to receive a 10 % savings on your next purchase).

3) Make sure the email is not too text heavy, inserting plenty of images/graphics/YouTube videos where  needed.

4) Clearly display your Social Media icons and prompt people to follow you. Ask for the Sale!

5) Contact information: too often email campaigns don’t give clear contact info. Make sure to include a  phone number, email address, and website.

Happy Campaigning!

Please contact GANZ Media to help you with your next email campaign!

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