Start off the New Year right with Corporate Videos!
For those in Los Angeles, our award-winning production crew is having a special promo starting at $750 (normally $1500). We are filming locally in the Los Angeles area from Jan 21st to Jan 26th only this month.
Click here to see our Corporate Video email promo!
Listed below are some interesting video facts:
“80% of web users have watched a video ad on a company homepage. 52% took action after viewing the ad.”
“A video-embedded website is 53 times more likely to show up on Google search.”
-Forrester Research
“Nearly three-quarters of marketers (73%) say integrating video with email marketing increases click-through rates (CTR), and fully one-half are now using video in their emails.”
-Web Video Marketing Council
“Video landing pages generate 4-7x higher engagement & response rates than static image and text landing pages.”