Entrepreneurs & Social Media: GANZ Media on Mother Love Show

GANZ Media on the Mother Love Show. Entrepreneurs & Social Media

GANZ Media on the Mother Love Show: “Entrepreneurs & the Importance of Social Media”


Aaron Ganz, CEO of Ganz Media and Lynn Sarkany, Founder & CEO of Entrepreneurs Professionals joined Mother Love in studio to share their expertise in assisting small to medium sized businesses with strategies, social media and much more.

Those working the normal 9-5 grind don’t realize that Entrepreneurs can maintain a stable income, set their own schedules, and can find a greater sense of freedom vs. being trapped in a cubicle.

GANZ Media CEO Aaron Ganz explores: What is needed to be an Entrepreneur, how to be fearless in business, and the Importance of Social Media!

You can listen to this broadcast by clicking here.

Also, you can check out a photo of GANZ Media on the Mother Love Show via Instagram!