Well crafted videos can mean the difference between a company thriving or dying in the new economy.
According to the website comScore: “80% of web users have watched a video ad on a company homepage. 52% took action after viewing the ad.” Using the latest video technology to spread the word online about our clients’ needs is our goal.
For our latest project we are creating an awareness campaign for a nonprofit group that works with people with developmental disabilities. Their budget is small but their story is great so we used our shoot from the hip package: this is comprised of 3 flip type cameras as well as an outboard sound recorder.
Click here to view the video on IndieGoGo.
The reason we use multiple cameras is because this is REAL, there are no retakes, so to capture the story as it happens takes more than one viewpoint. Reactions that are real are powerful, and will make your video that much more impact full.
Sound is one of the most important factors in any production, yet the consumer video producer often misses the impact of this key component. Poor sound quality will lose an audience faster than you can imagine.
Last but not least is editing all the material together into interesting, short segments. The tech-generation has a short attention span, so you have to make your point quickly and don’t forget a call to action at the end.
These videos can then be uploaded to YouTube, and blended with (SEO) search engine optimized key words to help drive traffic to your website. Well crafted videos along with proper SEO can as much as double your website traffic. To maintain sustained traffic to the website we offer monthly Social Media marketing programs, promoting your videos through: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and our own YouTube distribution channels.

Well designed Videos with finely tuned SEO result in ranking in top 3 slots in Google Search Engine.
Contact GANZ Media today to find out pricing and more details! Be sure to check back and watch for additional Touching Stories.